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Free yourself from uncomfortable feelings - fast!

What if I could teach you a simple and fast way to change your mood and free yourself from uncomfortable feelings?

Uncomfortable feelings might include sadness, low mood, a lack of confidence, anxiety, stress - it even works for cravings! This powerful self-hypnosis protocol is something I learned from the wonderful hypnotist, Lori Hammond, and I teach it to every single person I work with because it really can change your life!

This method is called The 3Bs. First of all, use the tips in my previous blog to fully acknowledge and accept whatever it is you are feeling. Then, when you're ready to move yourself into a more helpful state, do the following:


Sit or stand really tall. Imagine there's a string pulling your head up and tilt your chin so you're looking towards the sky. Make your body language really open - stretch your arms out to the sides (you can swing them a little if it feels good!). Maintain this lovely open, elevated posture, and as you look upwards, smile broadly - even if you don't particularly feel like it! Your mind doesn't know the difference between a real and a fake smile so it will believe you.

While you are doing all of this, start to bring in the second B:


Start to change the way you are breathing. Extend your exhale so that it is considerably longer than your inhale. This activate your parasympathetic nervous system - your rest and digest state. It takes your body out of fight or flight mode and depotentiates uncomfortable feelings. It's a bit like when you switch off a TV or a computer - it enables all the systems in your body to 'power down'. Your breath is the gateway to a whole new you!

Continue to maintain your beautifully open posture while you breathe in this way, and as you do so, begin to implement the next stage of this powerful self-hypnosis protocol:


Your beliefs are that self-talk that cycles round and round in your head. When you're feeling uncomfortable it might be telling you all sorts of untrue stories about yourself. The words you say to yourself are the most powerful words in the universe - and this means that the most powerful hypnotist in the world - is YOU! This is why it's so important to get your self-talk right,

You can do this by re-wording your inner dialogue to something that is more supportive and helpful to you. I'm not talking about those flowery, wordy affirmations you may have head of - you will find something short and simple is just as effective. Even a statement as simple as "I can feel this and still be OK." (Bonus - you can make this even more powerful by tagging 'what if' onto the beginning - eg: "What if I can feel this and still be OK?" The words 'what if' cause your mind to start considering that there might be another outcome to this scenario!)

So, there are your 3Bs - your body language, your breath and your beliefs. Continue with them while you allow the uncomfortable feelings to move through you and make way for a new, more resourceful state. Then check back with in with yourself and notice what's changed - because things WILL change! This is powerful stuff.

Lastly, and importantly, when you notice that things have changed - celebrate! Punch the air, shout "Yes!", do a happy dance - make a big, physical gesture. This sends a clear and strong message to your unconscious mind that THIS is the response you wanted. And because your mind is a clever, pattern-matching machine, the next time you hold yourself in this way, breathe in this way and talk to yourself in this way - it will give you that shift in state much quicker.

The key to this is repetition and consistency, so give it a go. Soon you'll find you can free yourself from uncomfortable feelings fast - leading to a happier, healthier, calmer life.

Smiling woman sitting down with outstretched arms
Use the 3Bs technique to welcome in a more helpful state


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