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Find your inner peace

One of the first things I explain to new clients is that hypnotherapy is very much a collaborative effort. I act as a tour guide for your mind, leading you with my words into a place where literally anything and everything becomes a possibility! 

This place I am talking about is a place of perfect stillness and peace of mind. It’s a place that resides in all of us, but in our busy, modern lives we often forget how to access it (or don’t make the time and effort to access it!) You would have been to this place naturally before when you’re daydreaming and losing yourself in a little fantasy world, or in that beautiful drifting, drowsy point just before you drop off to sleep. It feels wonderful.

One of the questions I often get asked at the end of a hypnotherapy session is, “Will I be able to do this for myself?” Clients are concerned that without me there to guide them, they will never be able to create this blissful experience for themselves.

But the good news is, yes - you can! It takes commitment, practice and consistency, but soon you will become a pro at finding your peaceful inner core.

There are many activities you can do that will train your mind for peacefulness and support all the work we do in the therapy room. Here are just a few:


It’s no accident I found myself working at a yoga studio. Yoga and hypnosis have a beautiful synergy. Ever tried a yoga nidra session? It’s sometimes called yogic sleep, although as with hypnosis, it’s not actual sleep. Your body rests, but your mind stays alert.  You follow verbal instructions which direct your attention and allow you to become more in touch with and aware of your inner world. It’s blissful and refreshing, much like the feeling you have after a hypnotherapy session. 

Another aspect of yoga that might be useful to explore is mantra, or chanting. The repetition, vibration and energy of mantra is extremely beneficial for creating calmness as it unites your mind, body and breath.

Which brings me on nicely to ….


This is probably the quickest way to access your peaceful inner core - and you can do it any time, anywhere! Breath is the most powerful tool you possess. It helps you shift yourself from a state of ‘doing’ into a state of simply ‘being’.  I have spoken about the power of breathwork many times, and I recommend that everyone takes regular ‘breath breaks’ throughout the day to focus entirely on their breathing. My favourite breath is very simple and anyone can do it. Simply breathe in through your nose for the count of 6, and breathe out through your nose for the count of 6. Start off by breathing like this for a minute at a time, and gradually build up your ability. Breathing in this way puts you into a peaceful, trancelike feeling. I often use this breath when I can’t sleep - it works like a charm!


These are great tools to have in your arsenal. I’m often asked what the difference is between meditation or mindfulness and hypnosis, and the answer is simple; in meditation or mindfulness you are creating an awareness and acceptance of what is - with hypnosis we are actively trying to create a change in your reality.


This ancient martial art may not be something you have ever considered, but if you get the opportunity to give it a go I wholeheartedly recommend it!  The series of gentle, flowing movements allows you to create a greater awareness of your body and how it moves through space, all while focusing on deep, slow breaths. You’ll be reunited with your peaceful inner world in no time!


If you have a hobby you love, it will help you become more peaceful. Creative activities such as knitting, crochet, painting, drawing or writing will take you off to a world of your own creation. And don’t discount more active pastimes such as dancing or running (being ‘in the zone’ is a form of peacefulness, too!) or outdoor pursuits such as horseriding or walking in nature - there’s something very calming and healing about been outdoors.

The important thing to remember is - give yourself the time, for you and you alone. This is a gift you are giving to yourself, that will improve every single area of your life. So be selfish. Create some ‘me time’. Try out a new activity that will lead your mind in the direction of peacefulness.

I recommend all of the above to my clients as great ways to support the work we do in the therapy room. The more you take yourself to this peaceful place, the more you build this ability, and the faster you move away from stress or anxiety.

Nobody else can do this for you, so make the decision today that you are now someone who actively seeks inner peace. 

Because what we focus on, we get more of. And we all need more peace in our lives, right?

woman meditating


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