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What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be described as a highly focused attention which harnesses the power of the imagination. We all drift in and out of hypnotic trances several times a day; it's natural to all of us, and therefore we can all be hypnotised to some degree or other. In fact, you're in a trance right now, just reading this!


What hypnosis ISN'T is mind control; you will remain perfectly aware and in control throughout. It wouldn't be possible for me to hypnotise you against your will and you won't disclose any information that you don't want to. When you are in hypnosis you are not asleep, so you can bring yourself out of it at any time you choose - a little like when you are daydreaming or meditating.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a process which utilises hypnosis to create change in a person's thoughts, behaviours, feelings or perceptions. If you want to create positive and long-lasting changes in your life hypnotherapy can offer a fast and effective solution. All of my sessions focus on what YOU want your outcome to be - how you want to feel or behave. To begin with I will ask you some questions about what your goals are, so that we can decide on the best approach for you.


Hypnotherapy is effective for a range of problems (see below) and works with your own level of commitment and motivation to reach your goals. It's a collaborative process between therapist and client, so it's important that you really want to make the change. My role is as a guide, to gently lead you into hypnosis and help you establish a line of communication with your unconscious mind - the place where all your deep-seated beliefs and memories reside. Hypnosis makes it possible for the unconscious to be given and accept suggestions that will alter unhelpful thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviour or beliefs - ultimately creating the positive change that you need in your life.


Some problems can be resolved in just one session, others may require more. 

What does hypnosis feel like?

Therapeutic hypnosis is a process that most people find incredibly enjoyable and relaxing; it can feel a little like daydreaming. Everyone has a slightly different experience, because we all imagine things differently. There are no rights and wrongs when it comes to how you experience hypnosis. You may see vivid colours and imagery or you may just get a 'sense' of what is being said to you; some people remember every word, others nothing at all. Your unconscious mind hears everything though, and that is how lasting and positive changes can be made. 

What can hypnotherapy
help me with?

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Panic Attacks

  • Low Moods

  • Feeling stuck in life

  • Relaxation

  • Insomnia & sleep problems

  • Confidence

  • Public speaking

  • Stop Smoking

  • Addictions

  • Weight Management

  • Relationships with food/drink

  • Fears & Phobias

  • Obsessions & compulsions

  • Overcome unwanted habits

  • Interview preparation

  • Exam preparation

  • ​Blushing

  • Relationship issues

  • Pain management

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Anger management

  • Motivation

  • Sports performance

  • Bereavement

  • Acceptance

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